That's right, I'm back...and so is my internet! YAY! You thought I'd just disappeared off into the wilderness, didn't you? That's ok, I understand. I wouldn't call myself Ms. Unreliable if I didn't think I was capable of just disappearing off the face of the planet for a week or two.
But now that my interwebs is back and I've returned from my little adventure in the aforementioned wilderness, I'm not coming back empty handed. For starters, I'm over my little emo pity party (I blame the flu!) and I'm ready to be inspired. I'm even MORE behind with emails, comments, blogs, tags, awards etc than I've ever been before, but that's what all the pretty bribery eye candy is for. Beholddddd....
Swoon. I love the Art Nouveau stylings of Kay Neilsen's illustrations. I'm not normally a massive hulking ballgown type of gal, but if I just so happened to be invited to a little shindig like that, I'd most definitely make an exception.
Arthur Rackham's work leaves me craving chiffon. Lots and lots of chiffon. I already have the long, out of control hair, just get me a wand and I'm on my merry little way!
That bed is pretty much my own personal heaven, pea or no pea dagnammit. I'm only JUST getting over the longest flu in the history of Kit-kind, and after spending up to 20 hours a day in bed (seriously, I think I turned into a koala for a little while there), I like to think I'm a bit of an expert in the sleep department. And whilst all you Northern Hemisphere kids are running around enjoying the Summer, it's actually getting a little bit chilly down this at the moment, I'd estimate that you'd see my head sticking out from about 1/4 of the way down that pile of cosy, toasty warm blankets. (Check out the detail in the curtains - amazing!)
While we're on the topic of details, look at all the beautiful finishing touches in this piece. Tiny lily pads, subtle ripples in the water, and even some little bird friends.
And once you're past staring at the amazing hypnotic textures in this painting (or perhaps that's just me and my flu medicine talking again), there's even a teeny tiny little mushroom to cap it off and make it pure perfection. Oh the stuff of fairy tales!
Art prints of all these beautiful pieces are available at
Artsy Craftsy, which I joyfully stumbled upon this chilly Monday eve with a little help from the lovely folk at
FFFFOUND! (Still searching for that invite peeps!) Because nothing says Monday like a little daydreaming!