I have no idea where this photo was taken, or even which year, although it's not too difficult to figure out that it was probably around the holiday season (unless someone got really, really lazy - it was a tall tree!)
I have many more photos to share with you, including some I took at the StyleMilk event last Tuesday night (here's one of myself and Liss of Daydream Lily, yay!) but unfortunately the silly season is absolutely insane in my corner and I'm stretched to my limits. Working towards a tight deadline at this time of year is always fun enough, but when you're getting on a plane in just over 24 hours, there's a new kind of pressure at play!
This year I'm incredibly lucky to be spending Christmas and New Years' with my family...in Singapore! It's been so long since I've travelled abroad that I had to restart the passport process from scratch!
While I'm over there I plan to photograph my adventures (with my prehistoric iPhone) and create my own little Instagram Guide to Singapore, so please feel free to follow me on the Instagram app (@msunreliable), or on Instagrid or Followgram in your browser! I'll also be shooting with my shiny new DSLR and the Lomo LC-A that Liss has kindly leant me for my travels, so prepare for an influx of photographs in the new year!
Wishing you all a fantastic holiday season, stay safe and well, and I hope to see you back here in 2012!
xx Kit