So I'm 13 days late but I'm still jumping on the bandwagon. That's right, the most unreliable blogger in the world is committing to take one photo a day for a whole year. Can she do it? Will she falter? Will she take so many photos of her vegetable garden that people will pay her to stop?! Only time will tell...

Delve into the outrageously unglamourous life of Kit, who has once again slipped into the third person and can't seem to get up. Have a looksee at her very own 365 Project...
Here's a tiny sneak peek!
Here's a tiny sneak peek!

She promises she will post something more substantial and exciting in the very near future.
P.S. A few lovelies have let me know that they haven't been able to leave comments - if you have the same problem, pretty please shoot me an email and tell me what goes wrong so I can tell Blogger :) Thank you muchly!
P.P.S. Yay! My Third-Person-Itis is cured!
P.P.P.S. The photos are straight from my little camera phone, so apologies in advance for the mediocre image quality. <3
P.S. A few lovelies have let me know that they haven't been able to leave comments - if you have the same problem, pretty please shoot me an email and tell me what goes wrong so I can tell Blogger :) Thank you muchly!
P.P.S. Yay! My Third-Person-Itis is cured!
P.P.P.S. The photos are straight from my little camera phone, so apologies in advance for the mediocre image quality. <3
Welcome back :)
Great photos so far!! xx
Thanks Vanya, good to be getting back into the swing of things :D
And why thank you VintagePrincipessa, I should have added that the photos are straight from my camera phone so the quality isn't grand (I'm not organised enough to carry around a real camera!)
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