Out of the Picture - Fashion + Furniture Eye Candy

Many many moons ago, I promised that I'd share some delightfully lavish furniture with you, and being my harebrained self, I forgot all about it...until of course I came across the absolutely stunning fashion photography of Camilla Åkrans and her Spring Summer campaign for Sisley. Apty titled Summer Breeze, Camilla has created a sophisticated new look for Sisley that almost makes me wish I was stranded in a desert. Almost.

The combination of the soft creams of the sand, the ornate gold frames, the off white and gunmetal of the garments and the extraordinary lighting is nothing short of sublime. It was this restrained pallette that sparked my memory and had me hunting through folders like a crazy woman, and it wasn't long before I found the amazing stylings of Giusti Portos staring back at me.

So if you need a little eye candy to brighten up your Friday and get your weekend started on a good note, behold!

Oh so pretty! All that sand has me yearning for the beach (although I'll leave the oversized gilted frame at home...or WILL I?)

Have a fabulous weekend!

[Images via Sisley and Design Scene]


Daphne said...

all these photos are amazing! really amazing!

beautiful blog!

i invite you to vist my blog


Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

amazing photos! those white interiors are gorgeous too! :D

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

ps, i've given you a blog award :)

diamondsinchampagne said...

OMG thank you thank you thank you for posting these wonderful photographs. So inspiring, i'm placing them in my apartment inspiration folder!

red.door.read said...

that picture with the table and chairs with the beautiful turned legs - wow!