How rude of me! Here I am talking all about myself, yapping on about my caffeine addiction and my love of croissants blah blah blah, and I haven't even let you get a word in edgewise!
So today I'm going to sit back, shut my mouth and let you do the talking. Introduce yourself and tell me more about you! Tell me about your blog or your site or your photos, or all of the above. Tell me how you spend your days or how you spend your ideal weekends! Even if you've never commented here before...especially if you've never commented here before! I want to hear all about you.
So today I'm going to sit back, shut my mouth and let you do the talking. Introduce yourself and tell me more about you! Tell me about your blog or your site or your photos, or all of the above. Tell me how you spend your days or how you spend your ideal weekends! Even if you've never commented here before...especially if you've never commented here before! I want to hear all about you.
Here's a few little prompts to get you into a reflective mood.

So...hello! How are you? Tell me a little about yourself!
P.S. The latest Giveaway Goodness is two times the fun this week!
[Images via Smashing Magazine]
Hello hello!!
I'm Maria and I make stuff and take photos :)
have a look ;)
Hi! *wave* I'm your new Twitter friend, Kimberley aka missgiggly. I'm the biggest pop culture junkie/nerd you'll meet - I act younger than I am.. (I think!) but really, its just passion. I can't really do anything without being passionate about it. I'm working for a digital media company as a business analyst, after doing about 2 years as IT Support (with no formal IT training - I just love figuring things out). So with my website, pop couture - its my way of continuing on with writing, something I love and I thought might be my career. Still might? I studied cinema at uni, so. .hopefully I know a bit what I'm talking about.
Um... that's probably enough about ME rambling on! Love your style and way of expressing yourself :)
Hi! im Alyssa over at
i write about everything that happens to me when i leave the house, and in sydney there is some pretty weird stuff..... guy meditating on top of his car on the side of the freeway!! you get the drift!
those pictures reminded me of how much i LOVE LOVE bubbles and am off to locate my unpopping bubbles, they are always a blast xx
Hi Kit,
I'm a 30-something, expecting my first baby in September. My husband and I have been married for nearly 5 years and he's in the military so we move around every few years. I'm currently a 3rd year PhD student. I study Cell Biology in a Tuberculosis lab. We do have a blog documenting our new baby adventure at I really enjoy your blog! Thanks for it!
~Jennifer S.
I love this blog - and I love the design you did for Daydream Lily's blog.
If you really want to know about me - I just posted a good tag-article. There were lots of good questions! Plus I have a short guest post over on Blanket Mag's blog soon.
Hi, I'm clarice. I am an identical twin who is about to leave for a 5 week study abroad trip (im doing my masters in journalism). I am in love with photography, cooking, sleeping, birds, all things vintage, reading and writing. When I'm not in school at night, I work full time as an administrative assistant at a consulting firm (not that exciting), but blogging has shown me exactly how many things inspire me at all points during the day and how much i want other ppl to be inspired too.
anyway, you have a lovely blog and seem like a lovely person too. thanks for posting!
Hi, I'm kanmuri.
I'm a French-Canadian living in Japan. I've been here for a total of four years. French is my first language but I teach English. I'm also fluent in Japan. My husband is Japanese, too; I haven't been married for a year yet.
I have a blog about Japan ( where I talk about my cultural experiences and Japanese history.
I love to travel backpack and have been to 12 countries so far. When I don't travel, I surf the web (too much for my own good), read and cook. I like to write, too. I have a manuscript waiting to be edited. Maybe one day I'll stop procrastinating and edit it...
Nice to meet you ;)
I meant fluent in Japanese. T_T
Hello dear,
I'm Adiba, a girl. I just turned 18. I am from Malaysia. A small country but defines everything! Have you guys visit Malaysia? Malaysia has everything. Proud to be one.
I am going to study medicine as my future path. And I am looking for cure to my haemophobic. Geez, any helps? It's my passion of helping others but at the same time I know there are difficulties awaits me.
I love your blog, somehow it brings out the idea of discover things around me. Keep it up.
mine ;
Hi! I've been following for a while and I'm not sure if I've commented here or not, but I'm Fidgeting Gidget, and my blog shares the same name: I blog about all sorts of stuff, and I love to throw my photos in, too--although they're not as pretty as yours.
I'm an American living in Canada and have become quite Canadianized over the past year and a half. I love the way that living here has opened my eyes to so many different cultures and alternative ways of life. I've been married for almost a year. We really miss our family back home and are trying to go back, but with the economy, it's going to be difficult. Anyway, I ramble. Just wanted to introduce myself and say that I really enjoy your blog! Have a lovely day!
Hello, I'm Jenn. I love anything that requires a little creative perspective! I love photography and painting and baking. I'm really a big kid in an adult body and still get up on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons.
I started blogging to share a project with family and friends, then moved on to my own stuff, but I think I like reading everyone else's blog more than writing them myself.
I love looking for your awesome & creative pictures!! Thanks for blogging :)
Hiya, I'm Emily. I'm very young, a "southern belle" and I really love looking at things from different perspectives. Your blog is very inspirational to me, and I love how it makes me think. I think I found you from the "Blogs of Note"? But anyway, I'm glad I did! I hope to be like you someday.. inspiring others and such. Right now I think my blog is more along the sorts of a selfish relief... just a way for me to get out some stuff that gets all jumbled inside. I love writing it though; I love it so much! :)
I fell in love with music at the earliest possible age. Ever since I can remember I've at least been humming a tune. That's what I want to do with my life, but it also involves writing.. which is another thing at the center of my heart. I want to be able to write songs and share them with others. I sing, play guitar and some piano, and am always looking to get better.
Anyways! Thanks for being an inspiration, hope your day is wonderful :)
My name is Rebecca and I'm a bit new to the blogging world.
My blog - - is all about making more of my own artisan foods at home and easily eating locally. I'm finding the more I do at home, the more I am doing for my bank account, my community, and my planet. I also am trying to make more of my own belongings, without making my days too complicated.
I love checking in on your have a wonderful site:)
What a great idea!
I'm a 36 year old Korean-American, Argentinian!
Blogging is giving me life and purpose!
I am a romantic artist...from the ideals of romanticism.
I love too many things to list here...see my profile!
I just love to learn everything...from why airplanes fly to why love makes us feel good!
I find most people fascinating and I love everybody, even those who don't like me back.
I have a wonderful sister and brother; I would not hesitate to sacrifice my life for them.
Though I'm struggling with 7 different illnesses, I always find beauty in the tiniest moments.
If I were a flower, I would be a tulip. My favorite color is purple; the color of royalty, mystery, and creativity.
For more...I have FOUR BLOGS!
Have a wonderful and delicious day!
hi there! i'm nicole, 23, and soon moving to NYC! i love fashion, although my budget doesn't allow for all my fashion dreams to come true! i love taking pictures, traveling, writing, painting or being outside. i admire your creativity and i think your blog is just lovely. my blog is basic, just whatever i'm thinking or feeling at the time. its a great way to express my day and meet some pretty cool people. thank you for your give-away mondays, i love them! have a beautiful day.
I'm Freya and a lover of too many things. is currently my personal blog where I bitch and whine about my life and things around me. is for music, art and fashion. is where I give free blogger designs, and stuff like that. It's a digital art and design blog.
and well, I actually have a number of blogs, you can see that from my profile. What to do I love a lot of things!
I'm Evy and I have been following your blog for some time now. I love the photos you post, so inspirational!
My blog is dedicated to balcony gardening and small crafting - nothing fancy, really. I just started it in March, so it's still a baby. I have gotten to meet some really awesome people and that makes it worthwhile.
Other than that I go to work and I'm working on a BA in Business Administration at the University of Portsmouth. I live in Bulgaria with my American hubby and our international cat.
Hope you're having a great day!
Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Nina :-)
~ I'm a mother, wife & artist.
~ I blog about wedding fashion, art, design and other fabulous stuff.
~ I love to make pretty stuff, especially wedding jewelry.
~ I love watercolor painting.
Great post! Also, those pics are amazing :-)
my blog:
Hi...Charlane here. I think I stumbled over from English Muse if I remember right. I am not really sure and I'm a frequent clicker on blog rolls if something catches my eye.
about me:
-- just became unemployed after a 35 years of working, ouch. the economy sucks
-- divorced, childless but happy with my state of relationship currently
-- photographer by hobby, would like to become better at it.
-- avid reader/movie fan
-- devoted aunt to nieces (2) and nephews (2)
-- southern and proud of it.
my blog:
my etsy:
hope anyone interested drops by! :)
This is such a fun idea!!
Hi, my name is Sara! I can't remember how I found your blog but I've been following for a little while now--can't remember whether I've ever commented, though.
I'm a wife, a marketing manager, and an artist. I sell paintings on Etsy at and I manage my grandfather's shop (he's also a painter) at I blog over at about whatever I feel like at the moment--usually art and design stuff, as well as my life in general.
And I love video games. Wii, Xbox, PS3, and DS Lite. Love them all! :)
Kit, I know someone who takes pictures very similar to this. I will try to find the website.
my husband and I are in love. I blog about how in love we are. we're disgustingly cute:
besides that, I am a full time actress/model/songwriter near Hollywood soon moving to NYC who is starting to see small glimmers of success. very small, but bright.
besides that, I am planning our public wedding all by my lonesome which sucks full time, (but I wouldn't change eloping for the world!)
besides that, we are poets with my first book coming out next month!
besides that, I run two stores on ETSY because I am truly obsessed with photography. Hence, I am also semi-obsessed with you ;)
;) Somehow I find time to read your blog. Oh, and we like it when you talk about yourself; you're very interesting!
-Mrs.Katrina King
Hey There!
My name is Larissa, I'm a 19 year old gal from Alberta, Canada. I just finished my first year of my BA of Physical Education at the University of Alberta. I am the big sister to my twin brother and sister and I am currently in the process of moving in with my boyfriend of three years.
I'm a spontaneous adventure seeker but most of the time life gets tangled up and prevents me from jumping out of it. For example, in 2007 I was in a terrible car accident where we left the highway and rolled seven times putting my boyfriend's brother in the hospital for a week with a neck injury and breaking my boyfriend's back in five spots. The year after that, 2008, my dad was diagnosed and passed away from colon cancer. Currently, in 2009, I am keeping my fingers crossed that the pattern of tragic events stops. And that is basically what my blog is about; the life a university student who lost the one person who taught her everything (my dad). You can visit me here:
PS I am very lonely over there!
And in close, I love your blog. I found it on Blogs of Note and have been following ever since. Every day I look forward to reading what you have to say and browsing through you pictures; I am very impatient when it comes to waiting for you to post a new post! Ha Ha
your blog is the first that I am following that has more lovely pictures than words. Your blog has recreated in me the interest in beautiful images of the world, when I'm down and out after a particularly harsh day.
Myself? I am a 19 year old Malaysian girl doing an Australian degree in Communications and Media Management locally. I started blogging since I was 13 but unlike you, I am better with words than creating images unfortunately. I can hardly draw an apple to save my life! I recently got myself a domain about a year ago at so do drop by to give me your comments! :)
I do wish that you'll tell us more about yourself, as I'm interested to get to know more about the person behind this amazing blog.
PS - contrary to your blog's name, you're quite reliable when it comes to blog updates. :D
hello kit & everyone :)
i am lauren nicole, from all over america, and i am a blogger, writer [yes they're different!], photographer, artist and twitterer!
i will be opening an etsy shop on june 1st and i am very excited! my interests and life are under much construction, and they change often and almost daily, but i am looking forward to setting more of this in stone this year. :]
I am a red wine fiend that enjoys laughing almost as much as he enjoys music. I am that one friend of yours that you're not entirely sure why you like him, you just do. I'm that guy sitting in the corner of the room, strumming a few chords on a crummy guitar. I'm that introverted student you used to see around campus sitting on the floor reading a book. I'm that annoying driver you see everyday singing along to the car stereo, banging on the steering wheel playing air drums. I'm that late night romantic that stares out the window and wonders why the day must come. I am the writer of many works that will never see the light of day. I'm an explorer that gets inspired every day by a sense of possibility greater than himself. Hello. My name is Noel and the pleasure is all mine.
Read more @
Always enjoy taking a peek at your blog.
absolutely everything seems to have an underlying enchantment that i seem to be drawn to so much. Fairytale, gardens, trees, birds, leaves, the figure. Your blog is like a little box of beautiful things found in the loft.. and everytime i come to take a look.. i feel like i've found a new gem.
anyway. i have a blog to help myself get around my uni work. im in the last few weeks of my fine art degree. Mainly doing photography at the moment. it helps me monitor my mind... and a little feedback from wondering bloggers along the way doenst go a miss either :)
Have a lovely day.
thank you for inspiring me on so many occasions :) and putting everything i like looking at all together in one place. xXx
I'm new to your blog, found you on twitter- but loving it already! New to twitter too, as of last week, and loving that already. I guess I'm full of love lately- teehee.
I'm a printmaker by training but fell in love with object multiples and started working with fiber. I love fiber arts- all of my interests/obsessions under one big umbrella and I can work in fine art and/or fine craft without changing my label. I'm currently doing lots of batik and making quilts and working on a new series of object multiples using wax and ash...two of my favorites.
You can see my work here:
I can't wait to read more of your blog, especially since you mention your addiction to caffiene...mine was pretty I manage to keep it somewhat reasonable, at least on school nights :)
Hi, Kit! Thanks for keeping a great blog. I look forward to every post.
So... My name is Erin. I'm too creative for my own good. My latest hobby is photography. I started blogging a little over a year ago and it's been fun to watch my hobby progress over that time.
I have two children and my oldest is 3 1/2. She is high functioning autistic and I'm considering starting a new blog that chronicles our life together and mother and daughter. So if you or any of your readers are interested in seeing my work... head on over. I'd love to hear from you all!
I'm Renee and I am French Canadian. I've started my blog last march and you are one of the first blogs I started to follow. You have a lovely blog and I really enjoy reading it!
Hi! My name's Jessie. I'm been following your blog for a little while, but I've never commented. Hmm.
So, I'm a 20-year old college student who'd really love to be teacher, like RIGHT NOW, but also has aspirations of being a baker, photographer, graphic designer... All at varying levels of seriousness. But I keep coming back to teaching, so the rest are just hobbies, I guess.
I do have a blog, at where I post photos and occasionally creative writings (I like to write, I don't think I mentioned that. I wrote a novel last November.) But mostly it's just random, like this introduction has been.
Keep up the great blogging! <3
hey Kit,
thats a great blog u have in there. this was esp great since we all got to know so much about so many different people.
my name is zainab haya chishti. i am married to the love of my life. our marriage was a result of 5 yrs of protesting and fighting with our respective families but in the end all turned out to be just fine.
now we have a beautiful daughter. she is 28 mths old and she is adorable.and i am a fulltime house wife. cooking and baking are my passions.
i am new at blogging so i will be needing a little help here and there.
and well i think i have said everything there was to say about me. do visit my blog in order to guide me in the right direction.
Hi *wave* I knew you have been waiting for me. I just stumbled on here by clicking one of my followers followers followers. Eventually, I came across you and read this entry and it was just meant to be. I'm a bored secretary in Houston that is not very good at blogging but I try because it makes me look like I'm being productive at work. I like chocolate and drinking. I throw up when I'm nervous. Oops...just threw up. Just kidding. I'm currently working on my BA in Business and stuff and I should be studying for my Economics final right now so bye bye got to go. *hugs*
hi Kit.
I'm sixteen years old/young and still struggling my way through school.
i love to paint however I rarely get the chance.
My blog: is all about female visual artists. Well sort of. There's a fair bit of my own ramblings. And what I try to do is hand write every post. I guess it gets a little illegible at times but it's fun.
i love your blog too. It is such an inspiration for a stressed out student like myself. xx
Hi! i'm heather!
I'm a member of the USAFR, currently deployed to iraq. I came upon you're blog in an unexpected way, but i'm so glad i did.
When i'm home i'm a full time interior design student and i do invoicing for a window coverings company to pay the bills for now. I'm recently married (going on 2 years). He's amazing.
I have some OCD and anxiety issues that i use my blog to help me with. The reason i started blogging was to help me control my anxieties by typing them out. it has done absolute wonders for me.
i seriously LOVE your blog and i think your eye for brilliance and beauty is amazing.
Hi there,
I've been following your blog for a while now but don't think I've ever commented. I've just started my blog (it's still quite new) and I write just about anything that I find interesting. At the moment, it is a lot of about wedding ideas and inspirations because I just got engaged.
I love your blog especially the pictures that you put up. Keep it up!
I am so very pleased to meet you! Your FABULOUS blog inspires me! as a differently gifted artist (some of us with thoughts or words)I am kindof new to the world of blogging and am learning so very much! I am a single mom of 3 who has undertaken my first marathon! so my blog is about letting go and moving on...getting healthy all part of the GRAND adventure! THANK YOU for letting me share even for a are a breathe of fresh air...
Like I was waiting for it...
Hi there, I'm a poet (nomen est omen), a would-be artist, designer and adorer of fashion and prettified everyday items, interiors, a philosopher and a composer and all in all an inhabitant of my personal ivory tower... but I am currently on leave from most of these activities as I am also a very busy first-year graduate student. As the season of term papers is in full bloom, procrastination has lately been having its way with me, tempting me to explore the world of blogging. I adore your blog!!!!, and I'm really, really considering starting my own blog to keep track of and remind myself of the traces of beauty found even in my stressed-out everyday life. I have a livejournal blog which no-one reads because the poems on it are mostly in German and also very cryptic (that would be here, skip the first few pages to get to some useful English entry:, and I'm also part of a blogging project set up by a circle of friends now scattered across several continents, but I am really intrigued by the idea of creating my very own place in the realm of arts and design... Maybe I'll find some time, courage and inspiration in the few lazy days following the end of the semester... As for now, thanks for this invitation to babble away :)
Hi Kit!
I'm Lindsay from Likely Design. I'm a Twitter/Facebook/Blogging addict! I have an interior design business (both in-person and by e-decorating!), working on my blogging, and I have a day job but it's pretty sweet as I don't have to be there until noon. I have my mornings to blog and play with my little daughter, Harper!
Love the site!
Hey - you know me (too much, I'm sure!). I'd LOVE to visit Australia where I think there's an amazing proliferation of bloggers...
Well I just stumbled across your blog today, whilst procrastinating at work. I am apparently pretty good at this. :) So thought it would be appropriate to pop in and talk about myself.
Well I am a Graphic Designer, Living in a smallish town of QLD. I have lived in rural towns all my life, yet have the qualities of a city person at the same time. Does that make sense?
I write a blog about things...nothing in particular...just things I like I guess.
I'm a music and art lover, life without these two would be dire. I love records and lattes. And love interesting people with stories. So that's a little bit of mine. Have a good day! I'm Tilli by the way. :)
Hello. I'm Melody, and I have just recently started selling things on Etsy and spending more time online. I like reading, and drinking good cups of tea, and having adventures and laughing. And I like your blog :)
Hi! I'm Amy from - I love reading blogs and shopping (especially Etsy) so I decided to start my own blog in January - after all its freaking cold in Jan up here in MN so what else to do? I also just bought a sewing machine and some fabric but I am too scared to ruin the sewing to do anything. haha - and I'm terrified of bluejays...
This weekend, if the weather cooperates, I'll be picnicking in the mountains, walking along the creek, and writing for the blogs @
But it's your blog, you know. You're supposed to yammer on about yourself :)
Hi - only just found your blog but I also share an unhealthy interest in coffee and criossants so I think we're going to get along just fine :)
I'm Jennie Smith and I make handbags out of vintage and recycled fabrics. I'm kinda crazy about recycling. In fact I think recycling WHILE drinking coffee and eating pastry would be just about the ultimate in my little world he he
Feel free to drop by my blog to find out more about me. My latest post is about some super awesome recycled furniture.
Now where's my coffee?
Jen x
hiii... i'm risma from ternate. ur blog's very cool. i like the ur fashion n style. it's very colourful. i'm still learning creating my own blog. nice to know u friend. GBU
I go by Wuthering.
I have a bunch of blogs listed to my profile. I love your pictures and in fact, I do believe the blog border i just put on my Today blogspot comes from your blog. Your photos are so good! I couldn't help myself!!
I'm a student and tonight i'm pulling the over-nighter. test tomorrow and i'm taking this time to research and think about the same classes final research paper.
take care & thank you for asking!!
First I love those pictures! They're magical! Secondly, I'm Irene and I blog about my dating life in crazy, messed up LA. I work as a waitress and am an aspiring actress (go figure, how original). But, I have no doubt in my mind it's what I'm meant to be doing with my life! Thanks for listening!
hi! my name is Lizzie, and I love that third photo! especially since I'm in my final year in Architecture. I love to write though, and I think your blog is so cool, and I wish I can write as often and as interesting as how you put your thoughts and feelings together. :)
this is my link:
and this one too:
thanks for asking ;)
Hi, I'm Chantal from Canada, lower Laurentians.
I also have a blog and I write about health issues, tips, articles. I also love gardening,reading,ride my bicycle. I love your blog.
Thank you for sharing!
fantastic post, really refreshing :)
Hi Ms. Unreliable!
My blog is known as "the fresh notes" which means I mostly take pictures, garden on my roof and make stuff. Occassionally its about fashion or party ideas. Ok, my blog has a zillion personalities!
Hola, I recently stumbled onto your blog via back issues of Blogs of Note. I really enjoyed your taste in photos so I decided to subscribe to your blog for inspiration.
Hmm, about me.. let's see, I'm an Asian Canadian who's been living in Madrid, Spain for almost 3 years. I'm a writer who loves looking at stuff and taking photos. The outlet for my travels around Europe, photos, annecdotes, reviews and expat life is in a blog called Shutterbug Scribbler:
Do come by and visit me sometime..
Hi! This is my first comment on your page and I have to tell you how much I LOVE all the beautiful photos you post. Oh, they make me so happy!
About me...I'm approaching my final year of my 20's and am actually excited about the prospect of turning 30 next year! I have two jobs, one of which is a night DJ on a local alternative rock radio station (in Boise, Idaho). My husband just joined the National Guard due to the crappy economy so I started our blog about a month ago to keep people up-do-date as we embark on our new journey. We've only been married since September and he leaves in June for 5 months to attend basic training :o( I'm going to miss him terribly, but know this is the best decision for us right now.
Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself!
Hi, I am a slightly unhinged artist/idea-factory who currently lives in the other Sydney, in Canada. I love your blog! it is uplifting and light and a joy to read.
I've just started blogging pieces of my thoughts. hooray for the blogosphere! I love life, music, animals, swimming, the stars, and hugs.
I'm Megan - a girl (Ok at 41 I might have to look for a new description, but I still feel like that young, confused girl) from Sydney currently living in Leeds. I feel guilty that I am not completely embracing my time here, because I always have one eye to getting back home to Oz.
In Australia I was in sales, and here I am simply temping in admin. I'm bright and quite creative but really don't know where to head job wise. I am trying to explore on blogger etc to see what could be out there for me.
My blog - where I have more pics than writing, but I promise I'll go back and write some blurb.
I'm addicted to list making ....
My flickr profile:
thanks for asking, I didn't realise no one had asked who I was before.
Hi Unreliable,
My favorite aspect of your blog are the photographs, you find/take some amazing images.
I'm newly 30, newly a Mommy, newly moved, and newly a blogger. I've been working on writing a novel for nearly 5 years now and I have a different story for each year, none of which are finished. I love photography and wish I had enough time and knowledge to do it as a career. Other than being a mom and a wife, my current role is to balance the time between those two priorities and work, hobbies, quiet, etc.
When you get a chance or are simply bored, I'd love to know what you think about my two blogs (especially since I'm a rookie)
Thanks so much, have a lovely weekend.
Hi! Your blog is lovely, and I always enjoy reading everyone elses' response to this question.
I am a southern girl who has been transplanted to the northwest. I just recently made a re-apperance on the internet and have enjoyed blogging about all the things that make me smile each day.
Hello again! I just wanted to let you know that I did go ahead and start a new blog yesterday. It's called The Gentle Giant and is about my life as a mother raising my autistic daughter. You can find my first posts at
As always... thanks for the inspiration.
Hi!! just found your blog.. and I love it! I am new to the blogging world and just started writing in mine (which I made almost a year ago) as a way to relieve stress & write about the things I love.
thanks for letting us all share =)
Hi, I'm Patrick and I help run a Los Angeles based interactive agency at We get to do a lot of cool stuff, sometimes for cool clients, some of whom pay alright. But we do it for the fun and cool at least as much as the dinero. Right now, we're working on a website for our friend Kathi Funston and we're in post on a tv promo. Plus, we're taking lots of pretty pictures with our RED One camera.
hey, im Farah. I am completely random and occasionally write poetry and take pictures. and also trying to change the mood of my blog.
take a look.
Hiya! This is Aleesha (aka aleeshanb on twitter). I have a blog, but sadly it has lost it's creativity over the past couple of months. I hope to change that soon as my schedule will be less hectic in about 30 days!
Enjoy, if you can.
Hi my name's Nikki and I'm from the Philippines. I'm a medical student who just finished her second year last March. I always enjoy browsing through your blog. The photos are always inspirational and your entries give me something to enjoy about life.
I blog about those that interest me, things I like, and what I feel and think. Come the start of classes, I will also write about my academic life and how hard it is. My blog gives my the chance to have another life outside medical school.
Hugs and kisses...
Hi! I'm Sylvie, a foreign rights assistant at a literary agency in New York, which sounds like a bunch of complicated nonsense but mainly involved sending chick lit to Brazilian publishers and hoping they'll bite. I like riding a tandem bike, listening to This American Life while walking in the sun, and taking pictures of little things and of my lovely sister and friends:
Come and see!
Hello unreliable girl. Glad to meet you. My name is Jamesf569. I am the mentally ill father in charge of two normal children and a neurotic wife.
I know this comment is a little late, but yeah, that’s just another part of my character.
Let’s see…..I’m a middle aged stay at home dad who writes/plays music in my free time. I write/blog/ramble, but I’m not a good writer. I mainly just hit the keys and hope nothing comes out that will get me suspended from the internet for life.
When that does happen, I usually just blame it on my kids somehow and then everything is ok.
Don’t have much to say because I don’t really have a life/friends/co-workers/etc.
Your generous invitation for us to write about ourselves was inviting, since reading your blogs and viewing your site lifted my spirit and instilled some joy into my normally dark and drab life.
Thanks again for your wonderful site, and for allowing me the honor of posting on it.
Love & Peace, Always………….Jamesf569
i'm beka, i adore your blog. it is a beautiful discovery and i'm so excited to read more of it.
i love photography and design, and writing.
know me:
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