I've been a very lucky little cookie of late, so I think it's about time I said thank you, don't you? In fact, I have two very large rounds of thank you's, so get comfortable, we might be here a while!
First of all I'd like to thank three lovely ladies who have sent awards my way (some quite some time ago, I'm a little slow on the uptake!) I'm going to share some of my favourite images from their blogs too, just in case you haven't yet been introduced to this fabulous trio!

So a huge thank you to the wonderful Susanna of Girl Meets NYC for passing on the 'E for Excellent' award! Girl Meets NYC is full of gorgeous images and the beautiful writing and thoughts from an inspiring young lady who is wise beyond her years.

As per *The Rules, I'm passing this award on to 10 other officially excellent blogs. I'll apologise in advance if the recipients have received these awards before, I tried to check that I didn't double up...but I got confused and lost track. Oops!
Design is Mine - Summer
For Me, For You - Kate
Design Lovely - Rachel
Loveology - Mila
concrete and honey
Ill Seen, Ill Said - Jane
Interiors - Christelle
Please Sir - Diana
Beach Bungalow 8
Rooted in Style - Jana
For Me, For You - Kate
Design Lovely - Rachel
Loveology - Mila
concrete and honey
Ill Seen, Ill Said - Jane
Interiors - Christelle
Please Sir - Diana
Beach Bungalow 8
Rooted in Style - Jana

Oh Paris! I'm going to be sneaky any postpone my 7 loves for the moment, but in the meantime, here are 7 more blogs I j'adore! (I'm cultured AND poetic! :D)
.v - Vanessa
Daydream Lily - Liss
Bliss - Mrs. Bliss
Desire to Inspire - Kim and Jo
The English Muse - Tina
{this is glamorous}
Sugar Pie Express - Michelle
Daydream Lily - Liss
Bliss - Mrs. Bliss
Desire to Inspire - Kim and Jo
The English Muse - Tina
{this is glamorous}
Sugar Pie Express - Michelle

And this last fabulous award comes for the discernible Tina of Luphia loves... Tina's blog is a delicious mix of fantastic beauty reviews, her own rocking fashion style, and a whole lot of interior eye candy for white-loving loft-fiends like moi...plus plenty of great photography and other fab finds too!

Some more fabulous blogs, you say? Sure! (One must not mess with *The Rules!) So here's another 10...
coco+kelly - Cassandra
Urban Lifestyle Decor - Susan
design*sponge - Grace
White and Wander - Emma
Oh Joy! - Joy
Making It Lovely - Nicole
poppytalk - Jan
decorology - Ashley
{frolic!} - Chelsea
Creature Comforts - Ez
*The Rules (for all 3 awards!)Urban Lifestyle Decor - Susan
design*sponge - Grace
White and Wander - Emma
Oh Joy! - Joy
Making It Lovely - Nicole
poppytalk - Jan
decorology - Ashley
{frolic!} - Chelsea
Creature Comforts - Ez
Thank you again to the lovely ladies who sent awards my way, and I look forward to seeing where these great awards end up next!
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate # blogs which you think are fabulous (refer to post for numbers!)
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
Congratulations on your lucky, lucky winning streak!
Congratulations on all your awards, dear, they are well deserved! And also thanks for that sweet little bit you wrote about me, you are too kind! <3
congrats! i just started blogging... and love following yours! i can only hope that someday soon i will have a blog worthy of following!! great job!
Congratulations! I wouldn't call it luck. Just plain genius and hard work, being recognized! Love your blog!
I'm thinking about your offer (giveaway). I'm not sure if my art fits with your readers...perhaps you can review my blog?
I'm not really ready to sell on a regular basis, but I think this would be fun and great for advertising my blogs!
My art blog...
Congrats on the awards, you totally deserve it. Your blog is really cool.
you've been a lucky girl, but really no, you are just a talented lady who people are noticing and the universe is turning it's dial to. I am so honored to be mentioned in this vein, I am so new at blogging and so lost at times. It is hard to find the time I would like to devote to it with my work and with my family. Your blog inspires me constantly and I appreciate that.
congrats on all the awards & winning goodies! thanks for your lovely sweet words too :)
Congrats girlie!! You truly deserve it! Your soo creative!! Im loving you blog!!
LOVE that picture of that couple in the snow... LOVE.
Good on ya' for giving thanks.
You wanna go in on a lottery ticket with me???
Congrats on all your awards!
loving your blog too !! such a beatufiul post. my type of images :-)
Thanks so much for the amazing link love!! Just made my weekend :)
Claire - Why thank you! I'm usually not the lucky type, in fact I don't think I ever won anything before this year! And oh MY your blog is fantastic, you're one crafty and creative little lady! LOVE the coasters and the little leaf earrings!
S-C - Thanks dearest, sorry it took so long to finally pass on your lovely award, I'm such a slow-poke! I rewrote my bit about you a few times but nothing my brain came up with did you any justice! Silly brain!
AllyW - Aww thank you Ally! This blog is my very first and it's only 6 months old, so I'm still pretty new to blogging too! Just blog about what you love and what you're passionate about, and you can't go wrong! <3
Beatriz Kim - Thank you so much! You have so much lovely work on your blog to choose from! Maybe a little postcard series of your favourite works? Looks like you have a killer new camera to experiment with too, maybe even a print? So many options! :D
LaBelleRiviere - Aww thank you! I'm so sorry to hear about your terrible Friday, that doesn't sound like much fun at all! On the bright side though, your photography is beautiful! Such a lovely landscape, especially with flowers finally coming into bloom!
Jana Souza - You may be new to blogging but you've got fabulous style that shines through so very easily! I understand that it can be a bit of a juggling act and I don't even have kidlets, but I hope you keep with it! <3
Tina - You're more than welcome, I don't think I did your blog justice, my brain just wasn't cooperating with me by the time I was putting the finishing touches on this post *slaps forehead* Thank you again for the lovely award :D
About Me.... The Rican - Aww thanks lovely, you're far too kind! How's school going?
Muppet Soul - Me too, I can't wait to see snow for the first time ever! Hopefully a little later this year, yay! :D
Amy - Haha you know what, that might just be an idea! And your American lotteries are HUGE in comparison to our humble little Australian efforts! :D
diamondsinchampagne - Thank you dear! I'm so excited about your post-uni online store adventures, I drool over Urban Outfitters homey stuff too so that's particularly exciting news for me :D
daydream lily - I wish I could add a few photos of my own, I feel like such a bower bird! Hey...you might know! Any idea where I can find decently priced Polaroid 600 film? :D
please sir - Oh stop that Diana, you're making me blush! Meanwhile, I'm so very envious of that locker set of yours! I want one!
great blog, love the jewlery. congrats on being a blog of note
oh and I get my Polaroid Film from camera shops, usually buy a 2pack cause its cheaper. But apprently ebay you get better prices.
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