Blue Beard

There would be very few people left in Australia who haven't heard of Movember, a fantastic charity that aims to raise awareness of men's health issues like testicular cancer. Unfortunately for us ladies, we could only sit back and admire the handywork of our men and their flowing moustaches....until now!

Without stealing any of the limelight off a very worthy charity, there is another option for those of us who aren't quite up to the challenge of facial hair. The Build a Beard Workshop is an initiative of the atto design firm, and the premise is as simple as this:

That's right, help people out AND have a bit of fun too. For those of you unfamiliar with Kiva, it's a brilliant website for person-to-person micro-lending - it enables individuals like you and moi to lend directly to entrepreneurs in the developing world. The aim here is alleviate poverty by allowing people to develop self-sufficient businesses and initiatives so that their communities will benefit from the steady flow of income and employment opportunities. Some of the ideas seem quite small, but the net result is enormous.

And look at these little guys! How could you resist slapping on a little Santa beard and getting into the festive spirit a little early? Wear it while you put your tree up at the end of the month!

That's right, anyone can join in. So get your printer or your Photoshop ready, grab a camera and get your friends, family and maybe even your pets involved too! The handlebars are obviously a big hit with the punters, but I'm going with the kid on this one and going for the Poseidon look.
With accessories of course. Any excuse to wear a crown.

So this November, lets all have a bit of bearded mustachioed fun and help out while we're at it.


shill said...

i stumbled upon your blog...i'm liking what i see ;)and you're in lovely sydney...

Emma said...

I am obsessed with packing crates - love them up against that blue wall ... what a talented guy he is xx

Ms Unreliable said...

shill - Thanks for stopping by! I am indeed in Sydney, although the weather is far from lovely at the moment so I'm enjoying it from the comfort of my own cosy little home :D I love the bamboo necklaces on your blog, you made them yeah?

emma - Aren't they great? They're my new obsession too, along with old suitcases. Mmmmm suitcases.